Thursday, March 10, 2005

Bush Administration Embraces La Raza

As if to leave no doubt as to why it continues to leave the US-Mexico border unguarded - intentionally permitting millions of mostly Hispanic immigrants to pour illegally into the US - the Bush administration is now openly courting La Raza (which means "the race" in Spanish - though you'll never hear the media point that out), a Hispanic racial advocacy group.
The National Council of La Raza, the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights organization, embraced Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales at an awards ceremony last night, breaking with other civil rights organizations that have denounced Gonzales for his role in producing the administration memo that allowed harsh treatment of detainees overseas.

Although La Raza supported Gonzales's appointment as attorney general, last night's ceremony marked a first, highly public step in the group's effort to alter its image as a left-leaning organization, said Janet Murguia, its president and chief executive.

Gonzales's appearance at the ceremony was his first before a large Hispanic civil rights group since he was confirmed last month by the Senate. La Raza hopes the warm reception will show the Bush administration that it seeks to move to the center politically and gain more access to the White House. President Bush declined to attend all of La Raza's annual conferences during his first term, citing the group's criticism of his policies.
The administration's brazen wooing of La Raza is meant to increased GOP support amongst a US Hispanic population whose rapid growth is mostly fueled by illegal immigration. Apparently, national security and the defense of US culture take second seat to winning votes in the Bush-Rove political calculus.


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