Tuesday, August 16, 2005

New Mexico Declares Immigration Emergency

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has finally done what the governors of virtually every state in the union should have done years ago, he has declared a state or emergency in four border counties of his state, citing the damage wrought by the tidal wave of invading illegal immigrants from Mexico. But he could just as easily have declared the entire state an illegal immigration disaster zone.
The action frees up $1.75 million in state and federal funding to assist local communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Three of the counties - Doa Ana, Hidalgo and Luna - are on the border, while the fourth, Grant County, is just miles from Mexico.

Much of the money is expected to go to additional local and State Police law enforcement in the area.

"As governor, I have a responsibility to protect our citizens, property and communities. Recent developments have convinced me that action is necessary, including violence directed at law enforcement, damage to property and livestock, increased drug smuggling and an increase in the number of undocumented immigrants."

Richardson was in Columbus on Friday to announce that the state will spend almost $50,000 on a security fence around the stockyards in that tiny town 3 miles from Mexico.

The goal is to ward off the possible spread of contagious disease by cattle that aren't screened for diseases before the cross the border.

The 11-foot fence with razor wire at the top will replace shorter and flimsier barbed wire fence on the 20-acre site.

The fence, he said, "will replace the rickety border fence that is so full of holes and gaps that trucks and people can cross with no control."

"This fence we are building is critical to ensure food safety," the governor said in written remarks. "We don't want contagious diseases to contaminate our food supply and disrupt our agricultural economy."
A fence is a good start. But simply protecting the stockyards doesn't even begin to do the job. Cows aren't the only thing a risk from the illegal invasion, American culture and national sovereignty are directly threatened. If fences are to be erected, they should span as much of the border as possible, keeping illegals immigrants from entering the country, not just illegal cattle.
Daniel Manzanares, executive director of the New Mexico Livestock Board, said it's hard to quantify how many cattle have illegally crossed in the area, but that the number is at least 100.

"There's no fence in so many areas," he said of the remote sections of Luna County. "People think there is, but there isn't."

During his trip, Richardson also toured the border by helicopter and met with law enforcement officials and ranchers.

In addition, he ordered an assessment of livestock security by the Livestock Board and the state Department of Agriculture.

New Mexico shares nearly 200 miles of border with Mexico.

Columbus-area ranchers say immigrants tear up fences when they cross the border, often at night, allowing their cattle to get loose or cross into Mexico.
So, let's get this right. Mexican nationals, illegally invading the US, destroy American property with impunity while Washington does nothing to stop them. That's what Americans pay their taxes for, apparently.
So far, the state hasn't been able to pinpoint the outbreak of any diseases to Mexican cattle, Manzanares said. He suspects some of carrying bovine tuberculosis into New Mexico in the past.

Cattle pass through the stockyard, right on the border with Palomas, Mexico, for inspection. There is a checkpoint on the Mexican side where the U.S. Department of Agriculture inspects the animals for signs of contagious diseases before they enter the United States.

Richardson said he had been asking for federal money for the security fence to no avail.

"There is no question that the federal government has not shown either the commitment or the leadership to deal with border issues. We lack support and resources to properly secure our borders," he said.
Naturally, the professional liars in Washington dispute this. Plenty of pork has been doled out on the Homeland Security dime, they argue.
But U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, an Albuquerque Republican and member of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee issued a statement saying that Congress has provided millions for border security, and set aside millions more for future projects, including around Columbus, which is about 30 miles south of Deming.

"However, the important thing is to realize that money and fences alone are not going to solve the illiegal immigration problem. Congress must undertake real, in-depth immigration reform that will find a long-term solution to this problem. In the coming months, I will be working with my colleagues to bring a comprehensive immigration reform package to the table," his statement said.
What Senator Domenici actually means by "real, in-depth immigration reform" is completely opening US borders to any foreign national who is willing to work for less than minimum wage while keeping quiet about it, and granting those foreign nationals currently residing in the US illegally a general amnesty. That is essentially what the Bush administration had the gall to propose in 2003 before public pressure scuttle the plan. Make no mistake, the amnesty plan favored by the administration and its GOP allies would eviscerate any semblence of national security, making a mockery of the administration's increasingly hollow rhetoric regarding the "war on terrorism" and "homeland security."

Of course, as a good politician, Senator Domenici knows how to speak out of both sides of his mouth.
Domenici applauded the governor for the emergency declaration.

"There is no question that illegal immigration is a serious problem that affects the quality of life of citizens living on the border," he said.
Meanwhile, at the border, the tragedy continues...
Back at the stockyard, the fence is in such disrepair, people also have been able to illegally enter the United States in the area.

"We definitely have concerns about bio security and agro terrorism," said Tim Manning, New Mexico's homeland security adviser.

"There's animal smuggling, but people are smuggled as well," said Manning.
Gee, really? You think?


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