Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hispanics Adhere to Blood, not Party

While attempting to justify his nation-killing plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal Hispanic immigrants, and welcome millions more into the U.S., President Bush has argued that Hispanics possess strong family values and are a natural fit with the GOP's voting base. Like most of the President's other political calculations, this is based entirely on fantasy. Heather Mac Donald at City Journal has amply shown that actual Hispanic family values mirror the worst of America's hip-hop black underclass - which is not notably Republican in voting patterns. But worse for the President's clueless optimism is the fact that Hispanics will throw ideology and party to the wind in order to vote for other ... Hispanics.

WASHINGTON — As a consultant in six Republican campaigns, dating back to Ronald Reagan in 1980, Texas ad man Lionel Sosa tried to persuade Hispanic Democrats to back non-Hispanic Republicans for president.

This year, after serving as a Hispanic outreach consultant and high-dollar fundraiser in President Bush's national campaigns, Sosa is putting his money on a Hispanic Democrat.

Blood is thicker than party," Sosa said in explaining his support for New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson's bid to become the nation's first Hispanic president.

Of course, Ms. Sosa is entirely correct, blood is thicker than party, or just about anything else. Blood - racial identification - is a very powerful draw, one that holds nations together. It also causes nations whose blood is too diverse to fracture and balkanize, which is exactly what President Bush's obscene immigration scheme will do to the U.S. over the next few decades as various racial groups vote and act for their own ethnic interests.

Mr. Sosa isn't alone in migrating from the GOP to the Bill Richardson bandwagon.

The lure of heritage and potential political history also moved Houston lawyer Hector Delgado, another former top fundraiser for Bush, away from a lifetime of backing Republican presidential candidates.

"He is Hispanic," he said without pause when asked why he backs Richardson.

Sosa and Delgado are among at least 20 Bush "pioneers" — people who raised more than $100,000 for his presidential races — who have contributed to Democrats seeking their party's 2008 presidential nomination.

Notice, by the way, that Hispanics are permitted to openly state that they are voting for a politician because he is of their own race. What, one wonders, would be the reaction from the press if white donors or voters said that they were supporting a white candidate just because he or she was white? Well, we know the answer to that. For whites, ethnic solidarity is not permissible. That's multiculturalism, don't you know.


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