Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Another Immigration Success Story!

Last week, dozens of passengers on a Greyhound bus traveling across Manitoba, Canada, fled their bus in terror as one passenger suddenly and without any provocation pulled out a large knife and started stabbing to death another passenger who had been sleeping next to him. The assailant ultimately cut off the victims head, brandished it threateningly toward the other passengers (who had locked him inside the bus) and began eating the victim's flesh, according to both witness accounts and the prosecutor's report to the local court. The assailant, Vince Weiguang Li, had apparently never met or spoken with the victim, Tim McLean, 22. His lawyers will doubtless claim insanity as there doesn't appear to be any comprehensible motive for the attack. However, there is one little wonderful fact that has emerged:

Mr Li, who immigrated to Canada from China four years ago, is being kept in custody in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.

Church pastor Tom Castor, who helped hire Mr Li after he immigrated, told the AP news agency that the suspect never showed any sign of anger or emotional problems.

"He seemed like a person who was happy to have a job, was committed to doing it well and didn't stand out in any way (in terms of) having anger issues or having any other issues," Castor was quoted as saying.

Mr Li was also vetted by church officials and his references were checked. He did not have a criminal record and there did not appear to be any other signs of problematic or troubled past.

Now, of course, very, very few immigrants are murderous lunatics, but the fact remains that had Canada not adopted the politically-correct policy that permitted mass, Third World immigration into Canada, Mr. Li would likely not have been on that bus, and thus Mr. McLean would still be alive.